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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Life by Grace

About a year ago, my cheer coach, Courtney, told me that I had too much on my mind and that I should try writing. I like to talk but I don't really like to write which was proved during my very unsuccessful try at my own "fiction novel" of my life. I mean that's hard work there's a lot of thinking and researching and planning involved, even when its your very own life. You still have to think of a plot line and characters and all that jazz. It was kinda fun at first but frustrating afterward. It's been almost a year since and after reading some other blogs, I think I'm ready to pick up writing again. But this time, not something I expect to be published or read by people across the world and get great reviews and scheduling book signings and special appearances on famous talk shows...<<dream cloud popping>>... just me and what's on my my mind. If this so interests you, continue reading but I'm warning you, this is no great literature! =]

The title "Life by Grace" pretty much describes my WHOLE life..literally. God has been soo good to me my entire life. Just the fact that I'm alive today, that I woke up and took a breath of life is a miracle in itself. I have the privilege to spend another day with my Father, Savior, and Best Friend. And i say God has been good to me but I dont mean my life is perfect, because I'll tell you right now...that's far from true! I have lots and lots of trials but I know for sure that the light is waiting for me at the end of the tunnel. And I know that God doesn't tempt me but tests me. When I take a test at school I expect to do well, I don't expect to fail. Same with God. He gives me hardships and I work through them making myself stronger. When things go really wrong though, He extends his arm of grace to me; He picks me up dusts me off and puts me in the right direction. He could get mad and strike me dead but that's not the God I serve, I serve a God of compassion and forgiveness. That Compassion, That Forgiveness, That Grace... is what I live by.

For it is by grace that you have been saved , through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast."

~Ephesians 2:8-9

1 comment:

  1. Janelle,
    Your blog is off to a great start! I look forward to reading more. Nice job! :o)
